Genomind® Professional PGx Express™ is always glad to hear from you. We welcome the chance to answer your questions about our genetic tests and help you learn about Genomind® Professional PGx Express™.
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As always, if you’re experiencing an emergency, call your doctor or 911 for immediate help. You may also call National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255 for urgent support and resources.
Mental disorders are health conditions that affect how a person thinks, feels, and acts. These disorders can impact a person’s life in significant ways, including how he or she copes with life, earns a living, and relates to others.
“Why did this happen?” That is a common question that patients and their families have following a psychotic episode, suicide attempt, or the diagnosis of any serious mental disorder.
Pharmacogenomics analyzes how the genetic makeup of an individual affects his/her response to drugs.
Identifying certain genetic markers, called pharmacogenetic markers, in a patient can shed light on whether particular psychiatric drugs will be effective and whether there is a higher risk of adverse events from those drugs for that individual. Psychiatrists can tailor their treatment plan to each patient based on his or her pharmacogenetic markers, which include genetic mutations that predict alterations in how the underlying neurons and synapses (brain cells and their connections) function, and the rate that a patient metabolizes medications, to help avoid issues such as lack of effectiveness, drug-resistance and drug interactions. It’s a more objective, evidence-based guidance system to help doctors select the right medication for their patients.
Research conducted and funded by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) has found that many mental disorders are caused by a combination of biological, environmental, psychological, and genetic factors. In fact, a growing body of research has found that certain genes and gene variations are associated with mental disorders. So what is the best way to “look at your genes” and determine your own personal risk?
Integrative Behavioral Care provides multiple genetic tests to bring innovative mental healthcare through Genomind.
Mindful DNA is a genetic test used by clinicians that helps guide lifestyle, diet and/or nutritional supplement decisions to improve the overall health and wellbeing of patients.
The Genecept Assay is a genetic test designed to help clinicians optimize treatment decisions for their patients with mental illness. It identifies patient-specific genetic markers that indicate which treatments are likely to work as intended, have no effect or cause adverse effects. It is an easily administered cheek swab test that analyzes key genes that have been selected based on hundreds of studies showing that variations in these genes can inform treatment decisions.
The Assay is used to guide treatment for a range of psychiatric conditions, including depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), autism, schizophrenia, chronic pain and substance abuse, and has been shown in peer-reviewed published studies to improve patient outcomes and reduce overall medical costs. Each Assay provides clinicians with an easy-to-read patient report and a complimentary psychopharmacogenomic consultation.